
Sports Medicine



Sports Medicine Research Group


The main research interest within the group is to identify potential shoulder injury risk factor in sports technique and training. The primary investigator of the Sports Medicine research group is Dr Shih-Chung Cheng who was trained and got his PhD degree from the Centre for Sports Medicine in the University of Nottingham, UK. All research projects within the research group were carried out via interesting experimental design but not expensive devices. The research team looks forward to bringing positive impacts to sports training and to prevent athletes from early fatigue or injury.

n   NSC research grant 2013/2014
The investigation of the relationships between shoulder neuromuscular control, electromyography and pitching accuracy in baseball pitchers with shoulder instability

n   NSC research grant 2012/2013
The investigation of the relationship between glenohumeral internal rotation deficit and the knee kinematics of the leading leg in baseball pitchers

n  NSC research grant 2011/2012
The relationship between glenohumeral internal rotation deficit and pitching accuracy in baseball pitchers during growth stage









The research group also collaborates with the Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education to develop an online sports injury surveillance and treatment record system for the purpose of finding out injury pattern.

Our research is reflected in the following:

n   Publication in national/international (SCI) journals


n   Grants from the National Science Council (NSC), Sports Administration of the Ministry of Education, business companies in sports industry



