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Graduate Institute of Athletics & Coaching Science has been recognised by National Strength and Conditioning Association, USA


Graduate Institute of Athletics and Coacing Science has beenrecognised by the Education Recognition Program (ERP) of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (USA). All students who completed the required modules in our department will be eligible for taking NSCA Strength and Conditioning coach exam directly with discount.

This recognition allows students to take advantage of the exceptional benefits the ERP offers schools and students attending an NSCA Recognized School.

This is a comprehensive list of the exceptional benefits students will receive as an ERP school, including the most recent enhancements/additions:

• Certification Exam Discount
- A $25 discount off NSCA Certification Exams
• Exam Rebate
- A $25 rebate is provided to the academic department for each registered NSCA exam from an ERP school (a $50 exam discount is available, in lieu of $25 rebate upon request)
• Exam Prep Clinic Discount
- A $50 discount for ERP students attending an Exam Prep Live Clinic
• Three Complimentary Job Postings 
- A value of $395/posting on the NSCA Career Services web page for ERP schools
• Student Membership Discount
- Exclusive student membership discount opportunities are available to ERP schools
• NSCA Conference Discount 
- $25 discount off NSCA conference registrations
• Premier Access to NSCA Growth Opportunities
- NSCA Foundation Grants and Scholarships
- NSCA Internship Program
- NSCA Assistantship Program
• NSCA Promotion of ERP Schools
- A 24 x 20 framed, matted ERP certificate for display 
- A listing on the NSCA website of the NSCA Recognized Schools, including a searchable departmental link for students seeking careers
- Official ERP logos for use on web pages, forms, documents, or recruiting materials
- Promotional marketing materials 
- ERP schools featured on display at NSCA Conferences


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