- Lin, Z. J., Peng, Y. C., Yang, C. J., Hsu, C. Y., Hamill, J., & Tang, W. T. (2023). Lower Limb Biomechanics during the Golf Downswing in Individuals with and without a History of Knee Joint Injury. Bioengineering, 10(5), 626. (SCI,49/151,Q2, Chemical Engineering)
- Lin, Yi-Chun, Tang, Wen-Tzu, Peng, Yi-Chien, Liu, Tsun-Te, Chang, Wei-Gang, Huang, Tsung-Yu, & Hamill, Joseph. (2023). Differences in kick-leg kinematics in various side-kick heights. European Journal of Sport Science, 1-8. doi:10.1080/17461391.2023.2213189 (SCI,15/218,Q1,Health Professions - Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation)
- Yang, L. J., Joseph, V. J., Lo, Y. L., Tang, W. T., Esakki, B., Kompala, S., & Veeranjaneyulu, P. (2023). Aerodynamic Evaluation of Flapping Wings with Leading-Edge Twisting. Biomimetics, 8(2), 134.
- Yang, K., Tang, W.-T., Liu, S.-H., & Pandy, M. G. (2023). Muscle Contributions to Take-Off Velocity in the Long Jump. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 10.1249/MSS.0000000000003175. doi:10.1249/mss.0000000000003175(SCIE, 9/88, Q1, Sport Science)
- 戴牧琳、楊珺如、江勁政、張凱隆、湯文慈 (2023)。優秀大專女子網球選手不同方向正拍擊球之運動學分析。華人運動生物力學期刊,20(1),19-26。
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- 林衛宣、陳書瑋、龔榮堂、前田明、湯文慈(2022)。矯正運動介入對美國職棒投手投擲動作及功能性動作檢測之變化:個案分析報告。華人運動生物力學期刊, 19(1), 31-37.
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- 黃聰育、許中原、湯文慈(2021)。探討腰椎穩定訓練對於慢性下背痛患者改善效益與訓練策略之系統性回顧。中華體育季刊,35(3), 159-174。
- Peng, Y. C., Hsu, C. Y., & Tang, W. T. (2021). Deficits in the Star Excursion Balance Test and Golf Performance in Elite Golfers with Chronic Low Back Pain. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 20(2), 229-236. https://doi.org/10.52082/jssm.2021.229
- Liu, T.-T., Lin, Y.-C., Tang, W.-T., Hamill, J., & Chang, J.-S. (2021). Lower-limb kinematic characteristics of Taekwondo kicks at different attack angles. International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport, 21:4, 519-531.DOI:10.1080/24748668.2021.1924526
- Chen, S.-W., Tang, W.-T., Kung, J.-T., Hung, T.-Y., Chen, Y.-L., Lin, W.-H., & Burgee, D. J. (2021). Stride Pattern of the Lower Extremities Among Stride Types in Baseball Pitching. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3(208). doi:10.3389/fspor.2021.670395
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- 楊珺如、戴牧琳、張凱隆、湯文慈(2021)。強風下採取不同站姿寬度之高爾夫推桿上肢關節動作分析。 [Effect of stance width on upper extremity kinematics of golfers putting under windy conditions Upper limb joint movement of golf putting with different stance widths under strong wind condition]. 臺中科大體育學刊(17), 1-15. doi:10.6980/nutcpe.202105_(17).0001
- 陳智郁,陳光輝、陸康豪、湯文慈(2021)。2018、2019 年世界競技體操錦標賽臺灣選手成績與 2020 年東京奧林匹克運動會參賽資格的關係。大專體育學刊,23(3),293-306。
- Yang, C. J., Tai, M. L., Hu, C. M., Hamill, J., & Tang, W. T. (2021). Effect of stance width on posture stability of golfers putting under windy conditions. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 16(2), 324-333.
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- Tang, W. T., Liao, W. C., & Lee, H. M. (2018). Contribution of upper limb muscles to two different gripping styles in elite indoor tug of war athletes. Sports Biomechanics, 17(3), 322-335.