- Chen, Y. H, Chang, C. Y., Huang, S. K., & Yen, N. S. (2020). Nonlinear engagement of action observation network underlying action anticipation in players with different levels of expertise.Human Brain Mapping, 41: 5199-5214.
- Sie, J. H., Chen, Y. H, Shiau, Y. H., & Chu, W. C. (2019). Gender- and Age-Specific Differences in Resting-State Functional Connectivity of the Central Autonomic Network in Adulthood. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13:369.
- Chen, Y. H., Belleri, R., & Cesari, P. Representational momentum in adolescent dancers.
Psychological Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-019-01234-x.
- Chen, Y. H., Cheng, H. P., Lu, Y. W., Lee, P. H., Northoff, G., & Yen, N. S. (2019). Can knowledge of election results change recall of our predictions? Neural correlates of political hindsight bias.PLOS ONE, 14(10): e0220690.
- Sie, J. H.*, Chen, Y. H.*, Chang, C. Y., Yen, N. S., Chu, W. C., & Shiau, Y. H. (2019). Altered central autonomic network in baseball players: A resting-state fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 9, 110. (*equal contribution)
- Chang, C. Y.*, Chen, Y. H.* & Yen, N. S. (2018). Nonlinear neuroplasticity corresponding to sports experience: A voxel-based morphometry and resting-state functional connectivity study. Human Brain Mapping, 39, 4393-4403. (* equal contribution)
- Chen, Y. H. & Liu, Y. T. (2018). Fencers' perception of affordances of an opponent’s attack.International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching, 13(6), 1023-1030.
- Chen, Y. H.*, Chen, Y. C.*, Kuo, W. J., Kan, K. H., Yang, C. C., & Yen, N. S. (2017). Strategic concern drives proposers to offer fairly in ultimatum games: An fMRI study. Scientific Reports, 7, 527. (*equal contribution)
- Chen, Y. H., Lee, P. H., Lu, Y. W., Huang, S. K., & Yen, N. S. (2017). Contributions of Perceptual and Motor Experience of an observed action to anticipating its result. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 43(2), 307-316.
- Chen, Y. H., Verdinelli, I., & Cesari, P. (2016). Elite athletes refine their internal clocks: A Bayesian analysis. Motor Control, 20, 255-265.